
Argumentative Essay On Medicine And Pills

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The technology these days everything gets more advance especially on medication even the new diseases come out people will just wait for new pill being invented perhaps in the future, instead of eating foods to get energy, people can gain the same thing from pills. Medicine and pills will replace more in the future. However, pills are not wonderful, it still has some negative side effects. Therefore, people start to promote music therapy. Even though most of the disorder can be controlled by medicine, healing with music have the same result, and not only have a non-harmful effect, also is not dangerous and more efficiency.

Some people believe that medicine can cure most of the disease with non-harmful effect as long as take the right pills the disorder will automatically under control, in fact, this was a …show more content…

The Memory Palace has been used since ancient Rome and is responsible for some quite incredible memory feats. “People who master about this skill usually can memorize book or some picture by only seeing once”. The special about it is that the technique requires a large amount of imagination practice, for example, people who try to learn it needs to practice about imagine the most familiar room then when start to memorize books people can put the book in the imaginal room and things people wanna memorize will appear in the book, which takes a long time to present it. Even though mind palace skill is not only for people’s convenience, but also, for amnesia people a good way to keep the memory, compare mind palace skill and music therapy, that music can use the wave in the sounds to combine with brainwave to achieve memorizing this action. And apparently, that music is faster than the memorize technique. It is important for some people that have memory disorder the music really help them to conquer the

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