Persuasive Essay On Prescription Drugs

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What is a parent / guardian; it is person or persons who guards and protects someone under their care. Parents have a major responsibility protecting their children, it is no small feet, some dangers are obvious such as don’t run around a hot stove or don’t go with someone you don’t know. However some dangers are less obvious or are touched on very lightly because of their taboo or deadly nature. Drugs and alcohol are part of this forbidden subject, parents know the dangers of these substances yet they only scratch the surface by just telling their children “ don’t do it. It is dangerous.” Then dropping the subject: parents are one of the key pillars that make up a child’s world. The other pillars of a child’s world consist of friends and more than ever social media. This leads parents into hoping that what they said was enough, sadly that is not the case more than ever schools have been cracking down on students awareness of the damages drugs and alcohol …show more content…

“Yet, thirty three percent of prescription narcotics given to seniors in the last twelve months were from a friend.” Children think that because it was made by a doctor is safe, even though the effect from a prescription will have a different effect on each person. If a child is in a situation where they even think that a person might be overdosing they should call for an ambulance and get that person the help they need. What if I go to jail?!?! Is usually the main reason why children don’t call for help, what they are unaware of and should know that there is “a law that exempts from legal liability a person who attempts to give reasonable aid to another person who is injured, ill, or otherwise imperiled known as the good samaritan act.

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