Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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Although teens are more likely to abuse, older individuals may abuse prescription drugs just the same. Teens abuse prescription drugs more than other people because it is easier to obtain than cocaine, tobacco or anything you can snort or smoke. Many adolescents and seniors abuse prescription drugs. It is very harmful to the human body, and can affect your emotions, money and life. Drug abuse is not just in the age group of 10-18 -year-olds it is also for young elementary kids. They have the pressure to be the “good” teen or be popular by using drugs( EBSCO ,pg.2). If they are graduating high schools it can make them feel older and feel like an adult. Prescription drug abuse is highest in 18-25-year-olds; 5.9% reporting nonmedical use in the …show more content…

The family is an easy way to get drugs without using money and theft. The cycle of family drugs starts with one family member having a drug and taking what they want to use and then giving the rest to the family to split and share. Which in turn tempts younger kids in the household to try the drug and could further go into a drug addict.(Manchikanti, pg.7) They use a range of different drug in the family circle; some to stop the pain (Xanax, Valium, and Klonopin). They may have a child with Attention Deficit Disorder and giving them their medication but keeping one for themselves just to get high or stop anxiety; (Adderall, Methylphenidate, Concerta, Daytrana, Methylin,and Ritalin).(Manchikanti, pg.1) Portion control is a big problem the numbers are going higher in elementary to middle school kid medication abuse. If the main family member shares their medication not having knowledge that their 15-year-old has a secret drug problem they are feeding them candy per say and fueling their obsession. If you see or hear about a family using and sharing drugs with their young children or anyone in the house please contact someone to help the younger children that are getting pushed to use and share with kids at