Persuasive Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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Since 2001 there has been an increase in deaths of about 16,000 because of prescription drug overdose which is more than any other drug (National Institute on Drug Abuse). Prescription drug abuse is taking a drug in a way that has not been recommended by a doctor, improper amounts, or an individual simply taking a drug that has not been prescribed to them (National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence inc.). Central nervous system depressants, opioids, and stimulants are all commonly abused types of drugs. These drugs are commonly abused, because they can lead to relaxation or a high feeling. Prescription drug abuse is a dangerously addictive activity that is becoming a more common practice in the United States, and it should be eliminated. …show more content…

This includes both physical and mental health. The drugs affect physical health in many ways causing many maladies. Some of these illnesses are respiratory failure, seizures, and malnutrition. There was a case of a 49 year old man who was admitted into an intensive care unit because of an overdose on an antiepileptic drug called Phenytoin.The drug causes the the brain to slow down the pulses that cause seizures. He was diagnosed with Acute respiratory failure, which occurs when oxygen levels in the blood get extremely low or carbon dioxide levels get extremely high. When there is no oxygen in the bloodstream, there is no oxygen getting to the brain. When there is lack of oxygen getting to the brain it can cause death. Abusing prescription drugs can lead to mental and cognitive health issues health issues such as brain damage, loss of cognitive function, and paranoia. Charles Grant and Greg Lewis state that “Psychotropic drugs of any kind, whether or not they’re stimulants, damage our brains…” Grant and Lewis then proceed to talk about how medicine that is prescribed for ADHD has the same chemical makeup as some illegal drugs such as cocaine and adderall. Abusing these drugs are just as bad as using cocaine or adderall. These are just a couple of ways that misusing prescription drugs can take a toll on a person's

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