Essay On Prescription Drug Abuse

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Prescription Drug Abuse What exactly is prescription drug abuse you ask? Prescription drug abuse is when someone over uses the medication prescribed to them by a doctor. Prescription medication falls 3rd in line behind Marijuana, and Over The Counter Medications according to The NCADD. Its most commonly abused by people who are 14 and older. Some may think that prescription medications wouldn’t harm you just because a doctor prescribes you the medication, but that’s where people are wrong. All medications are supposed to be used in moderation, hints why they have dosing instructions and side affect warnings. The most common abused prescription medications are medications used to treat ADHD/ADD disorders, pain relievers, and central nervous systems depressants. Some of these medications are known as Adderall, Focalin, Focalin, Percocet, Klonopin, Soma, and Xanax. …show more content…

The log that can be accessed by a pharmacist is know as a pat search site, it lets the pharmacist know what controlled medication you have filled, the quantity of pills you received, and the date that you filled them, the doctor who wrote the prescription, and the pharmacy that you filled it at. Th DEA monitors all controlled medications by classified categories ranging from 1 to 5. 1 being the most controlled drug and 5 being the least controlled. Medications that are commonly abused like Adderall, Norco, Focalin, and Percocet are all Schedule 2 medications, as to klonopin, Soma, and Xanax are all Schedule 4 Medications. Both Schedule 2 and schedule 4 are the most common abused. All the medications that are listed as controls can be found