Essay On Prescription Drugs

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Peer pressure is a big part of children being introduced to drugs. When kids grow up in a household where one of their parents or both take drugs. It could also happen by having a genetic tendency towards addiction in the family. Films, television and the media is another factor.
Young people are attracted to caffeine, hard drugs, alcohol and smoking. That’s another reason why they get addicted. If a young person is brought into a household where drugs are talked about freely, are available or are seen as part of everyday life then they are at risk of an addiction. If growing up in a home where cigarettes, alcohol or drugs aren’t viewed as anything out of the ordinary its more likely that you will see them in the same way. When a young person starts off by having a smoke or a few drinks at some point it turns to harder substances such as cannabis, cocaine or ecstasy. It is easy for a child to get out of control and if everyone else is doing it then they’re not going to want to be different. …show more content…

Many kids are trying pot at a younger age. That means they will be more likely to advance to worst drugs as they get older. The second top drug is the prescription drugs. Twenty percent of teens have used prescription drugs for the high. The drug use has grown badly because of how easy it is easy for them to get these drugs.
Ecstasy is the third top drug. This drug is popular inside dance clubs and is now it is started to sale to kids, using cartoon character stamps. With the designs and the cheap prices, the stimulant has, unfortunately, become a popular back in the day.
The fourth top drug is inhalants. The inhalants has become another danger inside teen’s homes. Teens and young teens have begun sniffing and huffing certain chemicals or household items to get high. Most of the time, teens don’t see any way but being a game, and they don’t see it as being