How Do Prescription Drugs Affect Our Society

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Although, I was never directly affected by drug abuse, it’s a disease that plagues our society on a daily basis. Prescription drug addiction, is becoming more prevalent in today’s society. Drug addiction hinders an individual from achieving lifelong goals, it can also lead to family problems, harming one’s self and cause delinquency in society. There are numerous reasons people becomes addicted to prescription drugs. Emotional distress, such as family or personal problems, some individuals fall on financial hardships and starts taking drugs as a coping mechanism.
Some people, experiment with prescription drugs because they think it will help them lose weight, fit in or even study more effectively. Prescription drugs can be easier to obtain than street drugs, because it’s easily accessible. For example, an individual may have obtained a prescription for painkillers and a family member decided to try the painkillers, thinking it’s safe to use because it was prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, after taking the painkillers a few times a habit starts forming. But, prescription drugs are only safe for the individual whom the medication was actually prescribed. The prescriber examined, and informed the individual of the side …show more content…

However, what they are unaware of is taking them for nonmedical purposes can be as dangerous and just as addictive as illegal street drugs. Peer pressure is a main cause for teens to start using prescription drugs. Most, teens believe by trying drugs they will be accepted into certain social groups. Teen drug abusers usually have trouble at school, home, with friends and the law. They may stop attending school which would lead to failing classes, they may also begin committing crimes to support their drug habits or even become victims of crimes. Unfortunately, what seems to be a minor problem in their teenage life can follow through to the rest of their

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