Is Drug Addiction A Choice Or A Disease

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Is drug abuse a disease or a choice? This topic has been a very big debate for awhile now. Some researchers will say people choose to use drugs. Other researchers will say being addicted to drugs is a disease. People can be addicted to a lot of things for example, tobacco, illegal drugs, eating, gambling and so much more. “Addiction is a disease of the brain that causes dependence upon or a persistent, compulsive need to use a habit-forming substance or an irresistible urge to engage in an activity, despite harmful consequences” (Sternberg et al.). Drug abuse is a disease, and things to back this up is, how it affects the brain, there are programs to help addicts, and no one in a sober or “right mind” would commit serious crimes or hurt themselves. …show more content…

“Most addictions are associated with mood modification. They make the addict feel better.”(Sternberg et al.). When your brain is making you want to consume more drugs or alcohol, it is definitely not a choice, it is something wrong in the brain. Being addicted to drugs or alcohol can affect not only you but the people around you. “The exact cause of drug abuse and dependence is unknown, but there are many theories” (Wood). The brain goes through a lot of changes when using drugs. “The brain stress response system is critically involved in the addiction process, stimulating drug consumption and the relapse to drug taking in abstinent addicts. At the same time, it is functioning if affected by chronic exposure” (Racz et al). Your brain makes you crave and believe that you need to use drugs. The idea of addiction is widely misunderstood whether it is, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, and so much more. “Addictive disease is defined by compulsion loss of control, and continued, repeated use despite adverse consequences” (Gold). Big factors that influence drug addiction is, peer pressure, Genetics, and the atmosphere some people grow up in. They can go their whole lives thinking it is okay to put these harmful things in their bodies. “Drug use provides a quick and powerful means of changing one's mood and sensations” (Gold). Because this is such a problem, and a lot of people are being affected in bad ways from drug abuse, this is why their is programs to

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