Argumentative Essay On Net Neutrality

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Net Neutrality
Net neutrality is a topic that is taking the internet, congress, news, and the world by storm with people arguing with each other being against it, or for it. While many people may not know what the term “Net Neutrality” means, it will have an immense impact on the United States and the consumers who use the internet. Net neutrality is keeping the internet neutral and fair from Internet Service Providers. In congress, the idea of net neutrality is being debated if it should be removed or stay so the consumer isn’t affected. Internet Service Providers are against it while other people are against it since these companies just are in it for the money that will come. People in the past have tried to rally against the ISPs and have successfully won the fight. Lobbyists merely keep pushing the agenda so they can have a time to seize it. Net neutrality should stay intact so it won’t hurt the consumer, companies will fight over which provider is better and companies will be biased to certain websites that would benefit their marketing.
In 2015, the Federal Communications Commision passed a government regulation which made the ISPs not block or slow connection to any content. ISPs can not mess with connection to another website. Companies can not pay the ISP more money for faster connection to the consumers …show more content…

He once stated his opinion on net neutrality “Make no mistake about it, this is a fight that we intend to wage and it is a fight that we are going to win.” As seen as he quoted, the FCC are waging war against advocators of net neutrality and they are going to do everything in their power to try to win and get rid of it. Since he is chairman of the FCC he also had ties with Verizon’s Associate General Counsel. Verizon is also influenced and asked the FCC to act against net neutrality. Ajit claims “burdensome and that they stifle innovation and