
Government Regulations

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Government regulations serve many purposes among them to promote and maintain fairness in the marketplace. However, at times, the effects of this regulations do not match the intend of the regulation. This discrepancy can lead to an overburden on certain groups and further complications of the regulatory structure and the industry it is suppose to help. Nonetheless, in any civil society, where the government is supposed to put the needs and the safety of the people ahead of any other, the need for regulating and, in essence constraining, certain behavior or business practice is a necessity.

Since one the reasons to have a centralize government is for the protection of the citizenry, consumer protection is a target for regulatory efforts. At times, in the course of everyday live, people will use certain technology and consume certain products whose production and manufacturing could be harmful to the general population, e.g., energy production and electronic devices. As such, the government has to intervene and prevent the demand for a product or service from causing harm to the population at large. With this in mind, under Title 40 of code of Federal Regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency was organized under the …show more content…

Sometimes, the bureaucracy in place is slow to react to technological advances creating areas of confusion and a wild west feeling among the consumer. Although the internet has been around for forty-six years and the World Wide Web for 26 years, regulation internet service providers has lagged behind the technology. The discussion of net neutrality has entered the public consciousness in the last few years. As most laws and regulations, the name given to them by their authors does not reflect the full effect of the legislation on the industry and the consumer. According to C. F. R Title 47 §8.1, the purpose of the regulation is

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