Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality

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“The term “Net Neutrality” stands for the principle that Internet users should have unrestricted access to the content and services on the World Wide Web” (“Net Neutrality” 1033). Net neutrality is essentially a law that allows everyone to have all content on the internet available to them at the same speeds (Borchers). It was initially referred to as the First Amendment of the Internet (Segedin). This seemingly important regulation has been a common spot for debate ever since it was passed.
Net neutrality was put into place during the Obama Administration on November 1st, 2011” (“Net Neutrality 1033).
“In December 2010, the FCC, on a 3-2 vote, issued a report and order that set out rules that it contends preserve the internet as an open network enabling consumer choice, freedom of expression, user control, competition and the freedom to innovate” (“Net Neutrality” 1034). The net neutrality rules are a seemingly fair set of rules that help regulate the internet service. “The FCC issued three major net neutrality rules: (1) Transparency; (2) No Blocking; and (3) No Unreasonable Discrimination” (“Net Neutrality” 1034). These three important rules work together to prevent information from being withheld from consumers and to keep the internet equal for all of its users.

Mr. Wheeler, the former chairman of the FCC, made it so the internet service providers are regulated like utilities (Messina). However, large companies and ISPs, Internet Service Providers, have debated

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