Argumentative Essay On Patriot Act

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Should the US government have the right to track every single phone call we ever make? Does that sound like a good enough reason to try and prevent terrorist attacks on our country? Congress passed a law called the USA Patriot Act in 2001, 45 days after 9/11. This act is a series of laws were passed in an attempt to prevent terrorist attacks in the future.

There are different ideas on whether the USA Patriot Act is a constitutional act or if it is a complete violation of the US Constitution. Some say that is violates the first amendment which is the freedom of speech, this means that Patriot Act is unconstitutional and should be taken away. While others say that this is a system that actually works to find people with the intentions of terrorism. It is hard to determine a solid answer to the question many ask, is it actually a effective way to find terrorists? Whether the government is telling the truth on whether or not they are using the Patriot Act solely for the use of finding terrorists or if they are using it for other things that …show more content…

They have strengthened many of the criminal laws that are against terrorism. They have also enhanced the federal government's capacity to share any information they collect. In addition they have updated the law to keep pace with some of the huge advances in technology. When they reviewed the act in 2001 it passed 98 to 1 in the senate, and 357 to 66 in the house of representatives. In the Patriot Act - Pro (Infographic) they show how many attempts at terrorism that they have stopped over the years. Between the years 2002 to 2010 they have stopped a total of 30 terrorist attempts, some of them were made by a single person others were made by a group of people. This shows how the Patriot Act has done its job over the years and is worth keeping in

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