Argumentative Essay On School Dress Codes

702 Words3 Pages

Lydia Mabe
March 2nd, 2023
Unit 4 Summative: Argumentative Essay

Did you know that dress codes at school can drastically limit acts of violence!? By making sure that every student looks almost exactly the same in the dressing style, this will limit the chances of students entering into any form of viciousness. They also promote less distraction for students so they can concentrate on their studies. Dress codes also encourage a more optimistic place to learn. Schools should have dress codes to prevent social conflict, to increase focus and to create a disciplined atmosphere. First, schools should have a dress code to prevent social conflict. Public school review states, “within one year after the implementation …show more content…

Dress codes don’t allow students to wear anything that exposes any parts of their body or wear any inappropriate words on their clothing. This limits the distraction of the body. Also Bonneville Academy states, “By having a fixed type of dress code, such problems can be reduced thereby enhancing the positivity in school classrooms. Students are expected to be more creative in the classroom when they are not anxious about what other students are wearing and also don’t feel stressed to follow the latest trends in clothing.” This also shows a dress code reduces anxiety because students don’t or can’t follow the latest trends in clothing. ConnectUs says, “As children get older, they begin to pay attention to each other more than they do to the curriculum. Clothing choices can make this problem even worse. If the apparel shows off the body, encourages violence, or creates other distractions, then it can impact the performance of every student in the classroom.” If students choose to dress in an inappropriate way, students get distracted by it. This can affect learning. SmartAsset tells us, “that when students don’t have clothing to notice, comment on or respond to, they can spend more mental energy on learning.” Students can get distracted by other things but, if students don’t have much to look at or get distracted by, they concentrate on