Many Americans have been lead to believe that “illegal aliens” are dangerous and a threat to society; however the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI data indicates that “between 1990 and 2013 the undocumented immigrants population tripled while the violent crime rate declined 48 percent—which included falling rates of aggravated assault, robbery, rape, and murder. Likewise, the property crime rate fell 41 percent, including declining rates of motor vehicle theft, larceny/robbery, and burglary” (Ewing, Martinez, Rumbaut). Despite the overwhelming negative press that’s heard on the news and from President Donald Trump the facts show that undocumented people are not dangerous criminals, but actually decreased the amount of crime. The United …show more content…
People who are undocumented immigrants tend to commit less crimes than native-born Americans. According to the Director of Immigration and Customs (ICE), Thomas Homan said, “Immigrants did not commit more crimes than native born Americans.” An expert in the field of U.S. immigration agrees that immigrants are not committing crimes at an alarming rate as some may believe. Young people on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)--a program for people to get work permits, or to go to school--are productive people with no criminal records. “You have NOT been convicted of a felony, certain significant misdemeanors (including a single DUI), or three or more misdemeanors of any kind” (USCIS). Nobody on DACA is a threat to society because they cannot be in the program if they have a criminal record. Undocumented people are staying out of criminal trouble because they also fight for American citizens in the military. As of 2008 over 65,000 immigrants (non-U.S. citizens and naturalized citizens) were serving in the armed forces, which means five percent of the active duty personnel are or were undocumented immigrants (Department of Defense). Undocumented immigrants are fighting to protect American citizens and their values which means they are not commiting crimes. They are continuing their education, getting work permits, and serving in the military; therefore, they are not …show more content…
seeing that they add to the economy and are not criminals. Undocumented peoples financial affluence add to the capital of the U.S. While also bringing innovative ideas for multi million dollar companies. Pretty much all undocumented immigrants are not miscreants seeing that they statically are clean. Not only are they staying out of trouble but are enlisting in the military and protecting all Americans. Young undocumented immigrants are working towards degrees not correctional facilities. Undocumented people establish business more often than native-born people which creates jobs for their communities. Therefore, they are not stealing jobs, yet they are creating them. Undocumented immigrants are people; human being interwoven into the “home of the brave and land of the free” they make America great. Kristhell Alvarez, was brought to America by her parents when she was 7 years old. Alvarez--now 15--said it perfectly, “Immigrants didn 't come to the United States to steal the American people 's jobs. We didn 't come here to run away and hide from gangs. We didn 't come here to cause trouble. We came here for a better