
Argumentative Essay On Yoga And Anxiety

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Is Yoga Effective in Reducing Anxiety in Children
Several studies have been done on the effect of yoga on anxiety in general. Because the practice of yoga is calming, it seems it would naturally reduce anxiety. Many articles in magazines state that yoga does have this effect on anxiety, however, some studies show a discrepancy. This purpose of this paper is to try to determine whether yoga really is a benefit for anxiety, and specifically, in children. Three studies will be reviewed and a conclusion proposed on whether yoga is effective in reducing anxiety in children.
Yoga is a complementary medicine, which is safe, relatively easy to start and is known to strengthen the body in several ways. This ancient practice began over 2000 years ago in India. The practice of yoga includes physical poses which build strength, balance, flexibility, and confidence. Another, equally important, part of yoga is mindful breathing. Mindful breathing helps to calm the mind and bring the body to a …show more content…

G., Agrawal, J., & Nagendra, H. R. (2016), included 34 adolescents and young adults in the study. They were residents of an orphanage in New Delhi. There were 27 boys and 7 girls, and they were between the ages of 12 to 20 years. Both “anxiety and depression were assessed at baseline before the study, and then after two weeks of yoga intervention using the Hospital Anxiety Depression Scale (HADS)” Teivani, R, et al. (2016) P. 23. This is a self-assessment scale, designed to assess the dimensions of anxiety and depression in non-psychiatric participants. A score greater than or equal to 11 indicates a definitive case of anxiety. There were 15 patients that reported their score higher than 11. All participants were taught yoga by an expert instructor for 1 hour daily, for 6 weeks. After two weeks of yoga, only one patient reported their score higher than 11. This study showed a significant reduction in

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