
Argumentative Essay: The Issue Of Abortion

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Abortion is still a prevalent occurrence in the United States. In fact, in the US, there were 926,190 abortions in 2014 alone. This number, however, is a decrease from the previous years. From 1975-2012, the average number of abortions were 1.3 million. Since 1973, there has been 59,115,995 abortions in the US alone. Recently one abortion scandal has blown up in the media
An illegal immigrant wanted an abortion, and after fighting against the government, she unfortunately won. Whether they face this issue in the news or in their daily lives, in what ways should Christians deal and act with the issue of abortion? Christians should reach out and listen to the mother’s story, raise awareness for the personhood of the baby, and show love but stand …show more content…

We can do so by arguing the case for the personhood of the child- even when they are just conceived. A baby is not only a human but also a person at conception. The argument in the past has been for the humanness of the baby only. However, it is past human identification now, for even scholarly professors accept the humanity of the fetus. For example, Dr. Micheline Matthews-Roth, a professor at Harvard University Medical Center, states that “It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception.” The issue is not when the life of a human begins, but where the personhood of a human begins. Our case must start at the intrinsic nature of the fetus in the womb. This case may be taken in two ways, depending on the beliefs of the mother. If the mother is a Christian or a believer in God, we must bring to her awareness what God determines as life. Therefore, our argument must start with God’s definition of life. In the article, “Jane Doe” said “I made my decision and that is between me and God.” She believes in God, but I will assume that she does not grasp God’s authority over life since she also says, “Through all of this, I have never changed my mind.” Therefore, we must lead and teach the mother through the Scriptures, what God has determined as life, His care for the unborn, and His authority over all life. However, if …show more content…

No matter how devastating the mother’s story is or what her reasons are behind her decision does not change God’s truth of the matter. God does not change for He is faithful to who He is. As Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not human, that He should lie, not a human being, that He should change His mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” God cares for the mother, but He also longs for the life of the baby inside her. He is sovereign and in control so no life formed was out of His hands. It was not a mistake or an accident to God. God’s truth is steadfast and Christians must remain steadfast on His truth. They should compromise the issue by trying to please the mother. As difficult as it sounds, ultimately, the victory must be the life of the child not the comfort and ease of the mother. Of course, this will be hard to swallow for the mother, and that is where grace and patience must come into play. But as we show love to the mother, it must not overshadow our love for God, shown by obeying His

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