
Tobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay

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Ezeugo Okechukwu David
Joseph Milford
Tobacco Products Should Be Made Illegal.
English Composition
American Intercontinental University

The history of tobacco dates centuries back when the people of pre-Columbian Americans introduced it. Apparently, the American natives cultivated the plant and often could smoke it for ceremonial or medicinal purposes. On his way back to Europe, Christopher Columbus came with tobacco seeds and leaves. Until the 16th century when adventurers like Jean Nicot –Nicotine named from him- made tobacco popular among most Europeans.
Tobacco is believed to have existed longer than the United States! Over three decades ago, the government of the U.S established cancer as emanating from tobacco …show more content…

In addition, supplementing it with other forms of smoking will be a threat since one cannot avoid the dangers attached to tobacco products. Some of them contain higher levels of toxins- tar, nicotine, and carcinogens- that are harmful. The American lung association has reported that tobacco products, cigarette, in particular, has approximately over 500 ingredients which produce over 4000 chemicals once burned (Kowitt et al., 2017). Arguably, the majority of these chemicals are a threat to human health, and approximately 70% of them are prone to cancer. Moreover, cigarette chemicals reduce smoker’s lifespan and costs money for unnecessary …show more content…

To ascertain every detail, there is the need to look for empirical data. How about when the effects are qualified. The benefits of quantification are diverse – there will be no battleground (Hall et al., 2005). Quantification in this context will be based on the overall output to the economy. We define variable clearly to avoid misunderstanding.
Every individual is vital for the development of the economy, they consume, and the pay tax and they contribute towards national building. Assuming the that every year, 560 people die of tobacco and its related effects, and that every individual contributes to about 100 US dollars per annum to the economy: $(560*100) is lost. The tobacco industry has never contributed $30,000 to the economy on a good year. Using gross margin analysis, then its definite that we lose much from tobacco than we would earn.
At this point, I ACCEPT MY HYPOTHESIS that Tobacco should be made illegal in the US. To sum up, it is evident that tobacco products pose adverse health implications on the consumers whether active or passive and this supports the assertion that they should be banned per se. Cigarettes are arguably the main tobacco products on sale in the markets and their hazardous effects are

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