Tobacco By Smokers In America Essay

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“It is estimated that at least 4.5 million US teenagers are cigarette smokers and approximately 90% of smokers start smoking before age 21.” Day by day, teenagers from the US find out and start using cigarettes. But the questions are: What are the reasons to start using and why is this so aggravating for the population?

Some influences of people who start using cigarettes are caused by family problems, places frequented, and even influences of friends. Being in places and living with people who smoke may be a reason for the young to start smoking, especially if the person who influences is someone important to the other. As a best friend, girlfriend or boyfriend. Other diseases can also influence the use of cigarettes, such as depression and anxiety, …show more content…

The cigarette has dangerous substances that cause respiratory problems, cancer, and withdrawal caused by "nicotine." One of the worst substances used in cigarettes. The issue is an aggravating case in the population because the international cigarette market is expanding more and uses toxic and addictive substances to ensure more and more consumers. The aggravating factor is the proportion of rates that show how many teenagers use cigarettes and this is a concern that may even denigrate the country when the number of smokers in one country is reported compared to another. According to various studies, “Cigarette smoking during childhood and teenagers produces significant health problems among young people, including cough and phlegm production, an increase in the number and severity of respiratory illnesses, decreased physical fitness, an unfavorable lipid profile and potential retardation in the rate of lung growth and the level of maximum lung function. An estimated 440,000 Americans die each year from diseases caused by smoking.” Much research shows how much smoking is harmful to our