New Jersey V. T. L. O In 1980 To 1989

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Claire Jackson
Olivia Lazear
Aiden Boule
New Jersey v.s. T.L.O. In 1980 to 1989 there was a court case New Jersey v.s T.L.O and it was about two girls who had been smoking in the bathroom. The first girl admitted to smoking but T.L.O claimed she was not smoking. The administrator demanded to see her purse. He found a pack of cigarettes and rolling paper for cigarettes. He then found a small bag of marijuana in her purse. He also found a pipe, a stack of money, and a piece of paper with the names of students who owed T.L.O money. At the bottom of her purse he found a letter implying that she was dealing marijuana. She was then brought to the police and confessed to selling marijuana. In the years of the 1980’s an estimated 89.9 million which is 50% of U.S adults were ever smokers and 45.8% were current smokers. The amount of youth smokers decreased slightly from 1980 through 1984 and then increased through 1989, the largest annual increase occurred in 1988. The percent of teens that smoked …show more content…

The U.S Supreme Court sided with the school, the administration of the school was accused of violating the fourth amendment. When the teacher brought them to the principal's office the principal demanded to see the contents of T.L.O’s purse. The principal was later accused of search and seizure. Based on her confession and the evidence New Jersey charged her with possession of marijuana and brought her to juvenile court. In court T.L.O argued that her Fourth Amendment rights against reasonable searches and seizures had been violated. The court sided with the school and T.L.O took her case to the New Jersey Supreme Court. Later on in the trial the court found that the search was not acceptable and the evidence could not be used. The state of New Jersey appealed the decision to the United States Supreme