Argumentative Essay: Why Do Students Need Law Enforcement In Schools

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Being safe at school is something that a person shouldn’t have to worry, about but it has become a concern for a lot of parents, teachers, and school administration. Increasing security in high school, middle school, and elementary school would help control and protect the kids from possible threats, as well as creating a safe learning environment and show kids that police officers are good people. Most middle and high schools nowadays have resource officers in the building or some sort of security within the school. In 2007 only 40% of schools in the country had a school resource officer on campus (James and McCallion 11). From a study done by The Virginia Department of Criminal Justice services, they reported that “‘an overwhelming majority of students and staff feel safe at school’ as a result of school resource officers (SROs) being present in school buildings” (Weiler and Cray). Feeling safe in school is something that parents shouldn’t have to worry about with their kids but it’s something that has been brought up within the past few years. Most school resource officers are placed in a middle or high school because that’s when kids begin to act out. As said in one article, “researchers have found that students and teachers in middle grades schools may be at …show more content…

In fact hiring a police officer for the school doesn’t cost the school district any money at all. Grants are put in place so that schools and police agencies can afford to hire someone to work in the schools. COPS or Community Oriented Policing Service is a grant that has been put in place by President Obama to help the hiring and training of SRO’s (James and McCallion 6). Not having the money to hire more police officers isn’t a valid excuse to make. COPS is there to help you get the protection the school needs, help out teachers, and making school a better place to