Should Police Officers Be-Placed In Schools

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Katie Walls
Is It Safe?
Should law enforcement officers be present in schools? This can be a controversial topic because of the recent situations that have happened. Some may argue School Resource Officers should not be placed in schools because, they implant the youth into the criminal justice system at a young age. Others may argue they should be placed in schools because they help keep the students safe. School resource officers should be present in schools because they are beneficial. School resource officers are law enforcement officers that are placed in schools for the schools benefit. It is a misconception people make that school resource officers or SROs are only there to keep children safe inside schools. As stated in …show more content…

There are other benefits of having SROs present in schools. They can serve as mentors to students to help them overcome crime and change their ways, they can teach classes to bring awareness to the dangers of driving under the influence, and they can serve as role models to students who may want to pursue a career as police officer. Driving under the influence is a crime and a major problem that takes lives every day. It is important for young drivers especially to understand the consequences of driving under the influence. Jean Bonchak reports in her article that Greg Drew, a resource officer at Euclid High School, has talked to students in class about these dangers (Benefits of School Resource Officers). Although some students may not pay attention, having SROs talk to students about the dangers of activities like such is a good thing because it could touch a student and possibly save their life one day. SROs also serve as a mentor or someone that students can talk to when it comes to certain situations. The article states that resource officers build relationships with students to make better choices and provide guidance as needed (Bonchak). If students have a positive relationship with someone that shares knowledge about the repercussions that come with illegal actions they might think twice before committing a crime. In the end resulting in one …show more content…

Cases such as the one at Dorchester High just goes to prove that having law enforcement present in schools is beneficial and has a positive effect. Yes, there are some cases that officers make a mistake like you see in the news, but maybe we should think twice when judging them. Being a school resource officer is not an easy job and it has many dangers but they want to make sure that students and faculty are safe. Everyday law enforcement officers risk their lives to ensure the safety of others, in school and out of school. Even if having a SRO doesn’t turn crime around immediately in the end there will be some change. SROs do make a difference and can ultimately save lives in emergency situations, so they should be present in all schools for