Argumentative Essay: Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats

485 Words2 Pages


By: shaye perry

I think dogs are better than cats

Do you think dogs are better than cat

All dogs are cute. I think dogs are better than cats. Dogs are calmer than cats. Cats scratch and bite way more than dogs. Dogs only bite or scratch if they are scared or see a stranger.

I think dogs are better than cats. All puppies are cute. But some breeds have the extra cuteness. That’s just my opinion because I love dogs. I hope you love the cuteness of dogs.

Dogs are calm and very playful. If you want a small house pet that is sweet, gentle, yet playful. There are lots of breeds for you. Also dogs usually don’t bark unless they feel harmed or scared. So, a dog or puppies would be great for you.

I think cats scratch …show more content…

That's just a fact. All puppies are cute, but some breeds just have the extra cuteness. If you ae thinking on getting a pet, you should really get a dog not a catARGUMENT PAPER

By: shaye perry

I think dogs are better than cats

Do you think dogs are better than cat

All dogs are cute. I think dogs are better than cats. Dogs are calmer than cats. Cats scratch and bite way more than dogs. Dogs only bite or scratch if they are scared or see a stranger.

I think dogs are better than cats. All puppies are cute. But some breeds have the extra cuteness. That’s just my opinion because I love dogs. I hope you love the cuteness of dogs.

Dogs are calm and very playful. If you want a small house pet that is sweet, gentle, yet playful. There are lots of breeds for you. Also dogs usually don’t bark unless they feel harmed or scared. So, a dog or puppies would be great for you.

I think cats scratch and bite more than dogs. Cats scratches and bites can be dangerous and even deadly. you need to make sure you know what to do. Clean the wound again and apply antibiotic ointment Remember, it’s important to act quickly if you get a cat bite. See your doctor to help cut the risk for