Argumentative View On Happiness

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The articles written by Graves and Whippman present valid, well-substantiated arguments on the wellspring of long-lasting happiness. Graves argues that happiness can be found within oneself (Graves, 2017), while Whippman argues that happiness is manifested in meaningful interaction with others (Whippman, 2017). Whippman appears to be more persuasive to the audience as she presents a balanced viewpoint, appeals to their emotions, and presents credible research data in her writing, as such, effectively engaging the audience.

Argument Structure
Firstly, Whippman’s argument is more balanced as it addresses different viewpoints, while Graves’ argument is comparatively one-sided. Whippman first discusses the opposing, popular viewpoint that the attainment of happiness is a solitary journey, an “internal, personal quest” (Whippman, 2017). Subsequently, she presents her opinion that “our happiness depends on other people” (Whippman, 2017), with supporting evidence from studies and research. As such, Whippman appears to be more persuasive as she acknowledges that “self-reflection, introspection and some degree of solitude are important parts of a psychologically healthy life”, but also asserts that a balance is necessary, with greater emphasis on social interaction. (Whippman, 2017) In addressing possible opposing views and giving reasons for her disagreement, she is able to persuade those with different viewpoints to consider hers.
On the other hand, Graves merely