Arguments Against Animal Testing

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Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of heated debate for decades. According to data collected by F. Barbara Orlans for her book, In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation, sixty percent of all animals used in testing are used in biomedical research and product-safety testing (62). A large number of people believe that animals shouldn’t be used for our own selfish benefits and that they should attain similar rights as humans, where others believe that animals are here for our own use whether it be scientific research, food or entertainment. I’m an owner of a dog and I know just how special they are and the joy and companionship they bring. I believe animals are friends of …show more content…

Unfortunately, many companies remain resistant to changing their testing techniques and U.S. agencies, like the FDA, continue to endorse animal testing methods as the gold standard. (American Anti-Vivisection Society, 2015) In contrast to animal testing required by law to guarantee minimum safety standards for the licensing of drugs and chemicals, there are no regulations in basic research forcing scientists to perform animal tests. By (usually) free choice, questions are posed and hypotheses are examined which, in many cases, can only be answered by means of animal tests. Just as easily, different questions could be asked or different hypotheses could be examined which do not require animal tests. The only criterion for the choice of a topic is its relevance which cannot necessarily be judged in the short-term. Thus, it is up to the individual scientist to judge what is worth studying and therefore worth animal consumption. The educated mind will consider ethical aspects of this choice. However, on the other hand, this decision is largely influenced by questions of efficacy or (in a negative sense) by the obstacles posed to an animal consuming approach. (Schuppli, C. A., Fraser, D., & McDonald, M. …show more content…

Beyond the stage or race track that animals are put to perform on, they have to live life, have a place to sleep, play and also be fed. This is where the focus of animal rights falls in. I believe that animals shouldn’t be used as entertainment due to the deprivation of freedom and the negative effect to their instinct nature that is inflicted on them. When we think of animals at a zoo we think of educational purposes and that the animals are treated well, but the zoos are made to accommodate the visitors and necessarily the animals. Because of this cruel environment animals in zoos experience abnormal behavior because of the deprivation of the natural habitat that they are born to live in. Majority of the surplus of animals a zoo may have, they sell to labs and travel shows. In travel shows animals are given minimal state and federal protection meaning they’re not covered by the Animal Welfare Act. Originally passed in 1966 this act requires minimum standards of care and treatment are provided for certain animals bred for a commercial sale, animals used in research, animals transported commercially, or animals exhibited to the public. These animals are kept in small traveling cages and usually stay in them until it is show

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