Arguments Against Censorship In Schools

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Argumentative Essay
An ongoing topic that continues to be debated is whether schools need censorship to protect their students from inappropriate content. Many people are against it but a lot are also for it. I don’t think schools should ban certain books that they think are inappropriate. Many books that we already read in school have harsh language and sensitive content but there hasn’t been a time where it has really affected a student. Books can’t really seem inappropriate to me because they are just words and that doesn’t really affect me. Even teachers I have had before have used worse language and talk about things much worse than I have ever read in a book.
Books are mainly used in school for educating purposes so I don’t think that we would be using anything inappropriate for no reason. If we are reading about a something school related and it happens to have a few cuss words than who cares. If we are reading something that is inappropriate and off topic than that is completely different. …show more content…

For most students, everything they read in a book is clean compared to what happens outside of class. Kids use much worse language much more frequently outside of class and so the book doesn’t faze them. Other things that happen in books that are sensitive most likely have happened to students too.
In conclusion, I don’t think that books should be banned from school unless there are so inappropriate that there is nothing to learn from it and it is just an inappropriate experience for the students. Books generally are clean and even the ones that aren’t usually have a meaning behind