Arguments Against Euthanasia Controversy

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Euthanasia is the practice of willing to end a life or die due to a lot of pain and illness. It is a willingness to die because one doesn't want to suffer any more pain and want to be terminated. Each country and states have their own rule on how euthanasia and some won’t even allow it because of religious reasoning. There are many different types of euthanasia to end a life like voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary. The only categorized that is legal is voluntary and everything else is illegal because it considered murder. Euthanasia is still a big ongoing debate whether is the right thing to do. Every time euthanasia is being brought up they always bring the moral, ethical, and legal issue into the controversy. As 2018 in united state there …show more content…

Each individual has a different point of view and opinion on euthanasia which is why this is still an ongoing controversy. There are people against it and there are people are for it. People who are against euthanasia fear that people would abuse this to terminate them self rather than live with sick or disabled. They think that it will devalue other people live who is also sick or disable. No one should feel worthless and give the option to kill themselves because if the person is giving the right care and love in the right environment there should not be a reason to die like this way. People think dying with pain is not the reason why people want to die, it is because they feel that family and society will abandon them which cause them to want to have assisted suicide more. The medical ethics also argues that physician should not proceed with the procedure because they should respect human life as they were giving in the code. This could also ruin the doctor and patient relation due to the patient think that doctor would recommend ending their life. Religious also play a role in this.