Euthanasia Is Wrong Essay

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However, euthanasia did not become issue until around the 20th century as two Germans who were Dr Karl Binding, who as a professor of law and also a doctor of philosophy, also Dr Alfred Hoche, a doctor of medicine and psychiatrist who published a book called “The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value”. They said it was absurd that a patient has to die from their pain therefore it is acceptable to lessen the act of dying and people also have the right to die with dignity, which goes against Josef Kure, DPhil interpretation of the Hippocratic Oath which stated euthanasia was evil. After the publication of the book in 1920 that advocated the killing of valueless people, there was a widespread of propaganda in the from of books and education of children in school about the economic benefits of euthanasia. It was aimed at the traditional 19th century views and attitudes towards the extremely ill and wanted the view that if a person would be better of judged dead then that person should be killed. However, Hitler released a decree in October 1939 which allowed physicians to perform the act of euthanasia for patients who were incurable to free them from their suffering. This euthanasia program was actually used to exterminate the disabled and those who were mentally ill, hence it would be “cleansing” he so called “Aryan” …show more content…

However, as time progresses we see a change in attitude to euthanasia as it justifying immoral acts like the Holocaust. As we progress into the 20th century we start to see advances and developments in the medical fields that prolonged lives people started to argue in favour of euthanasia as we should have a choice whether or not we want our lives prolonged if we suffer from an