
Arguments Against Standardized Testing

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In today’s world standardized tests has become a necessity of the education system in the United States for many years. Standardized testing is described as in the dictionary as any form of test that requires all test takers to answer the same questions, or a selection of questions from a common bank of questions, in the same way, and that is scored in a “standard” or consistent manner, which makes it possible to compare the relative performance of the individual . This need for testing was due to the passing of the No Child Left Behind Act. The need for standardized testing according to the no child left behind act is to hold the teachers and schools accountable for the results the students produce. Standardized testing is not the best …show more content…

Intelligence is described as the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills, and obedience is described as compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority. Many people in America do not agree with the test and what they measure . In a 2001 study published by Brookings Institution, said that 50-80% of test improvements were temporary meaning that the students did not really learn or their education was not improved it just so happened that the testee did better in testing that year and they did not learn anything. Also the test only measures a small amount of what makes education rich and meaningful in many ways. Dr. Gerald W. Bracey said “ standardized test cannot measure qualities such as “ creativity , critical thinking , resilience , motivation ,persistence , curiosity , endurance , reliability , enthusiasm , empathy , self discipline , leadership , civic sense of beauty , sense of wonder , honesty ,and integrity.” All of these things are a part of what makes education everything it is. The fact that standardized testing is only testing things like reading , english and math means that it is missing an entire platform of information that a student learns in school. Some students have talents that are also not tested by the majority of standardized test do not measure like artistic and musical skill that are often taught in school. If the state is going to force …show more content…

This quote emphasizes the fact that testing is taking away from the time teachers need. Also a major part that must be brought up in the conversation about the time being taken away is instruction time is being consumed by monotonous test preparation. Schools are more concerned on if the students do well on standardized test not if they really know what's going in the classroom or better yet if they understand any part at all of the information that is being taught in the class. The time that is being spent on preparing for standardized is 738 minutes in 3 weeks . that is approximately 12 hours and 30 minutes and that time is only accumulated into 3 weeks. That is and entire average class period and three hours to spear of time wasted on preparing the student to take standardized tests that does not directly help or affect the students in any

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