
Arguments Against The Declaration Of Independence

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We create our governments to secure absolute rights for all men, rights given to us not by the establishment or man, but by God. The “Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness” must be protected by the government we will establish for our new nation still in infancy. When governments attempt to take away the God- given rights of the individual, the people governed have just cause to overthrow or separate from the current tyrannical state. To hold the thought during this time was revolutionary, although the premise had been stated before by philosophers - John Locke, for example. Great Britain is guilty of attempting to take away the aforementioned God given rights; therefore, the colonists are justified in separating themselves from Great Britain. These are the thoughts and logic behind Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independance. …show more content…

Taking care of an army that was unnecessary and not welcome was considered taxation without representation and an important grievance. This act was a violation of the principle that government derives its just powers from the consent of the people. Being under the watchful eye of the British antagonized feelings of insubordination and mistrust. This common mistrust led to the Boston Massacre, where troops sent to intimidate the people fired upon civilians

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