Army Leadership Essay

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I have held many leadership positions before I became a Career Counselor in the Army. I know what it’s like to be in a management position at the age of 16, when I was the youngest manager of a movie theater in my hometown. In the Army, I have worked my way up from a private first Class to a promotable Staff Sergeant in 11 years of active federal service. There are many different types of leaders in the military. While the individual job duties may vary, the skills that define an Army leader are unique and essential. An Army leader is professional and strong; both physically and mentally tough. An Army leader leads from the front. Army leadership is defined by the Army Directive Reference Publication (ADRP) 6-22 this way: “Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization.” As a Non Commissioned Officer (NCO), it is instilled into us upon induction into the NCO Corps that we are a leader of soldiers. As NCO’s we must lead by example and take care of our soldiers needs every day. This is not a typical 9 to 5 job where we report to work, go home, and collect a paycheck; but rather a 24 …show more content…

In ADRP 6-22 “The three leader attributes are Character, Presence, and Intellect. The three core competencies are Leads, Develops, and Achieves. Army leaders apply character, presence, and intellect to the core leader competencies while guiding others toward a common goal and mission accomplishment. Direct leaders influence others person-to-person, such as a team leader who instructs, encourages hard work, and recognizes achievement. Organizational and strategic leaders guide their organizations using indirect means of influence.” A leader needs to take a steady approach on applying these competencies in an effective