Personal Philosophy Of Leadership

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My definition of leadership is earning the respect from the people that you lead and the people that lead you, showing empathy for other people’s problems, getting people to want to work for you, not micro managing, and showing, not saying that you care is so important. I believe that the results are much better if your subordinates follow you as a person and not your collar insignia. Expressing to your people that they are doing a great job and meeting all of your expectations goes a long way and just one simple compliment can make someone’s day. My leadership influences come from many people and situations throughout my career. But two in particular stand out for me. I have learned exactly what to do as a leader, watching CAPT Steve …show more content…

That type of “leadership” never breeds leaders, only tyrants. I can say I have learned as much from the poor leaders as the strong ones. For me, plain and simple the basis of my leadership philosophy is the Coast Guard core values, Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty. For me, Honor is easy. Tell the truth in all situations, if you say you are going to do something by God, do it. Your word is everything, and this is something I am trying to teach my own kids and subordinates as well. Do the right thing even when no one is watching, after all, you will need to look in the mirror every day and you want to be happy with what you see. It’s a super easy concept, although some struggle with it. Respect. Well, this is another easy one. Treat everyone with respect, no matter what. Treat people how you want your kids to be treated, and don’t do things you would not want your kids doing. Devotion to Duty. This one is a little tougher. Because in my eyes our “duty” is …show more content…

So now I participate in living donor awareness and fundraisers and I donate a stupid amount of money to the cause. After looking closer at my personality type (ISPF) I believe this is true. It is very accurate to how I am and I have learned a little bit about myself and how I can make some much needed improvements. I have chosen to incorporate four of the 30 leadership behaviors I am going to try to improve. I am going to make it a point to ask my leaders and subordinates how my actions, whatever they may be, affect their individual performance. I am going to do this at least once a month at muster and request very specific feedback and ideas how to improve. I am going to try to paint the big picture of what I aspire to accomplish at work and in my personal life. If I can figure out how to do that, it may bring inspiration to another person at my workplace. I have a habit of looking directly at the here and now. I am definitely going to seek out some challenging opportunities to test my skills and abilities. I am going to take on another new project at work, which is what my point paper is about. I would like to get the ground work laid out for the new incoming MSRTE EPO. Going to my new job is definitely