Leadership Philosophy In Relentless By Tim Grover

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I believe that a leader can not only have others follow them, but will go out of their way to assist in developing those people. Good leaders are naturally respected and loved; they do not have to force or impose their will on others. A great leader fulfills the aforementioned requirements, but goes beyond and adheres to a specific leadership philosophy. As an Army Officer, there are incredibly high expectations set upon you from your first day, and to succeed, you must have a leadership philosophy to navigate the problems you will face. Relentless In the context of Relentless, Tim Grover is a profoundly successful personal trainer and, more importantly, an incredible leader. Throughout his book, he cites multiple leadership philosophies that he used to build his career and create his legacy. One of these philosophies, as the title suggests, is relentless. Be relentless in all aspects of your career, especially in your quest to be your best leader. The quote “Relentless is about never being satisfied, always driving to be the best, and then getting even better.” really puts into words how dedicated Tim Grover is in his quest for greatness. Another aspect of leadership that Tim Grover touched on in his book is self-reliance. Although you cannot operate as freely as a coach while in the Army, it is still a key skill that any great leader will develop. …show more content…

While these are not all the leadership principles, these are the ones that I find to be the most prominent of all the “good leaders” that I personally know