Army Profession Essay

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Imagine a doctor cutting open a chest cavity exposing a still beating heart, a lawyer giving an eloquent discourse to the Supreme Court, its’ easy to see that that they are professionals. Now imagine an Army Soldier throwing a grenade and knocking out a fighting position; does not seem like the same thing but I assure you it is. The Army is a profession for many reasons but for the purpose of this paper, only three will be focused on. The Army is a profession because the Constitution made us one, because our skills are unique and last but not least, we serve the people of this country.
Article One Section eight of the US constitution states that congress shall have the power “to raise and support armies” (United States Constitution, …show more content…

If having your roots founded by the US Constitution does not give you some credence as a profession then nothing else can. A professional is someone who can provide “uniquely expert work” (know, 1111) and if you think about it a Soldier definitely provides uniquely expert work. Trained to kill without thought, trained to sacrifice for the greater good and trained to know that we may give everything for our country. Being trained to kill, being trained to sacrifice and being able to accept these things is not something everyone can do. It is our acceptance of these things that make an Army Soldier unique and the skills that we have unique one of the major defining characteristics of a profession. “The Army has no purpose except to serve the Constitution and the American people.” (know, 1111) Service to others is the final piece that any job wishing to be called a profession must have and service is what the Army was founded on. The Army has been called to serve the people of this great nation on many occasions and we have done so without question because that is what a servant does. A life of