Arthur Miller's Accomplishments

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sage to all, and terrific story behind. Arthur Miller life influenced some of his works: All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, and The Crucible. Arthur Asher Miller also known as Arthur Miller was born in Harlem, New York, on October 17, 1915. Miller was well known for being a famous screenwriter/playwright. Arthur Miller’s talent began to show in his younger days, such as college. He started off with writing a student paper, everyone loved the play so much that he went with his first mind, and created his very own 1st play. The name of the play was called “No Villain”. The play resulted in him winning the school’s Avery Hopwood award. Miller started taking class courses with writing plays. His college professor, Kenneth Rowe, inspired …show more content…

It relates the tragic story of a salesman named Willy Loman, whose past and present are mingled in expressional scenes. Miller's plays often points out how families are destroyed by false values. Especially his earliest efforts, which showed his admiration for the classical Greek dramatists. "When I began to write," He said in an interview, "one assumed inevitably that one was in the mainstream that began with Aeschylus and went through about twenty-five hundred years of playwriting" (Bigsby1997). The Crucible was based on court records and historical pasts of the Salem witch trials of 1692. In Salem one could be hanged because of ''the human imagination”. Miller wrote The Crucible in the presence in which the he saw the notion that conscience was no longer a private matter but one of state mind. In the play he expressed his faith in the ability of an individual to resist pressured …show more content…

Things started to get rocky in their marriage. Monroe was highly on drugs, and would not go to get help. It took a toll on their marriage and Miller’s career. He barely wrote and created plays. Miller tried to give her all the help that she needed to save their marriage, but Monroe would not budge. Miller refused to watch Monroe throw her life away. Arthur Miller made a gift for Monroe, which was a screenplay by the name, “The Misfits”. As soon as the screenplay released, sadly Monroe and Miller divorced. Monroe died a couple years later. Miller was devastated, he was so torn that he wrote a play inspired by their relationship as friends, and marriage as a couple. Arthur Miller did not give up on love. After grieving from his wife’s death, he moved on, and married a professional photographer by the name of Inge Morath. Miller needed love and a support system behind him. He wanted someone to love him just as much as he loved his work. Sooner or later, Morath died. Arthur Miller never gave up, he moved on to the next and so forth. Years went by, Miller celebrated the anniversary of one of his famous plays, “Death of a Salesman”. After he celebrated, Miller went to his beautiful home in Roxbury Connecticut where he just sat, and grew old by himself. Miller had grown old enough to where it was time for him to give his life away. He suffered a bad heart failure. Sadly, Miller died at the age of 89. All of his friends, family,