Artillery In World War 1 Essay

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Both the allied and axis powers used artillery, however it was the newly developed technology by the allied forces that aided. Artillery was used on the battle fields throughout the entirety of the war. Germany was overall stronger in the field of artillery, however the technological advancements in artillery from the allied powers to combat the Germans strong artillery presence contributed to their victory in world war 1. The introduction of the trench mortars, the development of sound ranging, and artillery tactics using new forms of artillery were all advancements used to help the allies win the war.
The introduction of the stokes mortars by the British aided in the victory of the allies. The trench mortars portability made the mortar easy …show more content…

Both the axis and allied powers produced new types of artillery. The French 75mm was one of the field guns used in world war 1 that was adopted by all the allied powers. The 75mm Hall explains, “This modification to the recoil control system allowed a greater elevation to be used than the original 180” (Hall,14). The lighter structure of the French 75 allowed for quicker reload against the German artillery. Paul Lintier a French solider states that “The unit in a 75 mm battery consists, in materiel, of a gun-limber and ammunition wagon, each drawn by a team of six horses harnessed in pairs; and in personnel, of six drivers, six gunners, a corporal, and a sergeant in command” (Lintier,21). The lightweight design of the 75 allowed for batteries to carry more ammunition and carry more artillery. Some may argue that the German artillery was greater than the allied powers, however the adoption of French and British artillery by the Americans ultimately outnumbered the German heavy artillery.” The plan was to issue artillery units with their guns once they reached France and give them several months of phased training ‘over there’” (Strong,164). Toward the end of the war the allies planned to muse the rest of their artillery to wipe the Germans