Assault Weapons Persuasive Speech

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“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This is the 2nd amendment of the US constitution which gives us the right to own and use guns. But Should it give people the right to own and use assault weapons? The 2nd amendment should not give people the right to own assault weapons. I will share with you why assault weapons should be illegal?history of the assault weapon, and past shootings using assault weapons. Let us learn more about this issue. “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people”. While this may be true we can stop those people from making more damage by banning assault weapons. According to a semi-automatic gun can fire 180 bullets per minute. While a non-automatic gun can shoot about 10 a minute. When the second amendment was written, guns could only fire 3 bullets per minute. Some people would argue that assault weapons should be legal for people to use for protection and for hunting. But why do …show more content…

Toward the end of World War II, the story goes, Hitler hailed his army’s new wonder weapon by insisting that it be called not by the technical name given it by its developers but an assault weapon.At the beginning of the 19th century, soldiers in Europe fought battles with guns that were relatively inaccurate, had short ranges, and could only be fired slowly. In response, weapons developers in Europe and America focused on making guns more accurate up to greater distances. These types of rifles reached the point of highest development with the guns carried by the majority of soldiers in the first and second World Wars. Over the years assault weapons have advanced as bigger and more powerful. Virtually all the world’s armies now use assault rifles. Assault rifles were designed for fighting wars so why should they be sold to the public