Asset-Based Approach Essay

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Question 5
Using Assest based approach to accommodate learners The asset-based approached is used to describe an approach that identifies and emphasises the strengths and abilities of diverse the learners yet acknowledging the needs of the learners . The centre of this approach is not dwelling on what the learners are unable to contribute but instead focusing on finding the value and potential of each learners , regardless of their background or personal circumstances.(Jackson,2017)(
Asssests is used to describe the various effective resources that learners can use to asuccefully adapt in their environment and learn effectively. Assests …show more content…

This means that learners have diverse characteristics they exibit as well as various risk factors contributing to their learning impairement or disability.It is important to note that not all learners show all the characteristics of learning impairement, only some of them in a variety of combinations and the severity differs from one learner to the other. Therefore it is important for the benefit of each learner that educators use varying appropriate teaching methods, varying support to cater for the needs of the learners for effectiveness purposes . It is essential that to understand all of the possible characteristics that may be seen in the learners . By knowing what to look for and being able to identify the common characteristics, the educator may be able to help in the identification, diagnosis, and assessment of a learner with a suspected learning disability. Ultimately, depending on where a student’s problems lie, understanding these characteristics or learning styles can lead to significant improvement in the academic performance, social awareness, and overall self-esteem of a child with a learning disability in your