Annotated Bibliography

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Research Article #3
1. Identify the author(s), the publication date, the title of the journal article, the volume number, the issue number, and the range of the pages of the research. List all these components in this response in APA style reference 6th edition.
Lederer, J. (2000). Reciprocal teaching of social studies in inclusive elementary classrooms. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 33(1), 91-106.
2. What are the stated research questions and/or hypothesis, (if any)?
There were two hypotheses in this study which include:
a.) “Students in the experimental classrooms would significantly improve their ability to answer short questions based on unfamiliar passages of social studies text, generate questions about the text, and compose a short …show more content…

3. Does the literature background support the need for the study? Provide a solid rationale for your point of view with citations from the article in APA style.

4. What are the variables under study? Identify the following four:
• Independent variable
Reciprocal teaching and traditional comprehension instruction are the independent variables.
• Dependent variable
Reading comprehension which is categorized as ability to answer questions, ability to generate questions, and ability to compose summaries are the dependent variables.
• Moderator variable
Not applicable.
• Control variable
The control variable includes fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students.

5. Identify the setting, population, and sample.
• Setting: Inclusive classrooms in a rural public elementary school in New Mexico.
• Population: Fourth, fifth, and sixth grade …show more content…

A MANOVA was used to measure reading comprehension according to treatment group, grade, and time. In addition, Wilks’ lambda was applied to MANOVA in order to test whether there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For example, “According to the MANOVA, there was a significant change in reading comprehension as a function of treatment group (Wilks' lambda = 11.25, p < .05)” (Lederer, 2000, p. 96). Also, Post Hoc Testing was used to indicate significant changes in the experimental group’s ability to answer assessment questions. For example, “significant changes at the .05 level in the experimental groups first and second trials, t (62) = 2.06 and between the second and third trials, t (62) = 2.68” (Lederer, 2000, p.

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