Intellectual Disabilities Research Paper

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The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and The Center for Parent Information and Resources are both good websites that explains Intellectual Disabilities. According to the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, an “intellectual disability is a disability characterized by significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills. This disability originates before the age of 18 (AAIDD - Resources for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Professionals, n.d).” Intellectual disability is one of the most common developmental disability. It is estimated that …show more content…

One most important tip is for teachers should educate themselves and learn as much as they can about intellectual disabilities. There are some techniques and strategies that teachers can also use to support children educationally. First teachers must recognize that they can make a difference in student’ lives by finding out what their strengths and interests are, focus on them, and create opportunities for success. Teachers must also be concrete as possible by demonstrating what they mean rather than giving directions verbally and tasks that are longer in steps should be broken down into smaller steps and provide assistance when necessary. As it relates to student skills, teachers should teach life skills such as social skills and occupational awareness and exploration by involving students in group or club activities. Finally, teachers should provide the student and parents with immediate feedback and work with the student’s parents and school faculty in creating and implementing an IEP that is tailored and meet the student’s needs (Center for Parent Information & …show more content…

The three criteria are intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior, and educational performance. Intellectual functioning is usually measured by a test called an IQ test. In adaptive behavior, what a child can do compared to other children of their age, and in educational performance a child’s language development and communication; cognition and general knowledge is measured as well as their written language, reading and mathematics (Intellectual Disabilities FAQ, n.d). In my opinion both of the websites are valuable because they provide the definition of intellectual disabilities as well strategies for teachers and parents. They also provide signs and symptoms that can occur in children with intellectual disabilities. This is important in the determination process. These sites also provide great information on how intellectual disabilities are diagnosed. The Center for Parent Information and Resources website provides help information for babies, toddlers, and school-aged children. It also provides educational considerations as well as the different organizations and resources that are available to provide support for children who have an intellectual disability. The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities provides the history context of intellectual disability and how it has changed over time. Also understanding the criteria’s in which a

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