Assisted Suicide Persuasive Speech

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In today’s society there are many questions that most people ask. Is abortion okay, is assisted suicide acceptable, should the legal drinking age be changed, and much more. These questions are still trying to be answered everyday. One issue that is still a huge question is how should we treat those who struggle with same sex attractions. The Bible says in Leviticus 20:13, “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a women, both of them have done what is detestable, and they are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.” This verse is hard to explain because there are many other verses that talk about loving others, even those who struggle with same sex attraction. Christians shouldn’t treat those who struggle with same sex attractions differently than those who struggle with the other sinful behaviors because sin is sin. There are many reasons why we should treat people who struggle with same sex attractions the same as those who …show more content…

Also, people don’t choose their sin, they may make the wrong decisions that cause them to sin, but they don’t choose the actual sin itself. For example, a murder doesn’t just randomly decide that he is going to ruin his life by killing people, it I something that happens to him over the course of his decisions and lifestyle. People who struggle with same sex attractions didn’t choose their attraction anymore than I choose to like vanilla ice cream, and someone doesn’t just have the choice to say someday that they think they are going to crave pizza. People who struggle with same sex attractions don’t always choose to be attracted to the same sex, it just happens to them based on their home life or decisions and choices they have made. Many of them just have that sinful attraction that they struggle with. Now, that doesn’t justify it because then all sin could be justified like