Assistive Technology's Negative Effects On Children And Families

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Technology has made a big impact globally on the entire world. It is a way for us to communicate, spend leisure time, and more. Technology is responsible for changing the way we communicate especially with social media. It has been a way to solving major problems such as finding cures for chronic illnesses. It has become a part of our everyday lives without us even thinking twice about it. However, not only has technology made a positive effect on our society, but it has equally had some negative effects in society with crimes being committed such as debt card scams, identity theft, and seeking out precious, personal information with computers, phones, and tablets. Technology has negatively affected the individual (child) and society (families) as a whole by changing the structure and values of families in addition to an evolved lifestyle due to the advanced technology that is forever changing. It is costly to parents/families, it has put a thwart in challenging children to use their imaginations and creativity for play, which in turn has also made play for the developing child much more reserved, and more passive and less active. The evolution of …show more content…

Assistive technology is available to help people with various types of disabilities from cognitive to physical impairment. Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as any device, piece of equipment, or system that helps bypass, work around, or compensate for an individuals’ specific learning deficits. “AT can increase a child’s self-reliance and sense of independence.” This can help with depression by boosting one’s self-esteem and confidence. “Kids who struggle in school are often overly dependent on parents, siblings, friends, and teachers for help with assignments.” By using assistive technology kids with learning disabilities can experience success with working