At 86: Listen To The Lessons By Diana Xin

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Don’t Die Doubled With Regret: Listen to The Lesson by a Grandmother
In Diana Xin’s creative writing “At 86, my grandmother regrets two things,” Diana Xin informs her audience of the life and events that took place in her grandmother’s life. She interprets the two regrets that her grandmother developed, and how she accumulates only those two. Diana Xin, a creative writer, publishes the writing in Diagram 21.1. Xin utilizes the information directly from her grandmother and the events that she remembers growing up. Diana Xin writes a strong piece about the life of her grandmother and the lessons people manage to learn from it. The writing obtains strong logical and emotional aspects of the text.
Furthermore, Diana Xin utilizes pathos in her writing “At 86, My grandmother …show more content…

The quote “Not the flights my sister and I took to America, aged six and three, an ocean beyond her reach.” continues as another instance of the challenges the family faces. Diana uses these quotes to show what her grandmother lives through and the terrible feats that met her, though she later writes that none of these moments meets her grandmother with regret. The use of pathos in the quote
“When my grandmother laughs, her joy lilts up as it ends, expands to resist erasure.” displays to the audience how joyful Diana Xin’s grandmother stays to enjoy life without many regrets.
Likewise, Syntax occurs in Diana Xin’s writing to emphasize how few regrets her grandmother feels and for the life she experiences. The writing utilizes repetition of the words “Not the”, throughout the beginning, to list the events in her life that, without regret, remain impact on her. A portion of this repetition “Not the walnut she cracked open with the hilt of a rolling pin, only to find the nut inside