Athens And Sparta Compare And Contrast

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Athens and Sparta were two very different Greek City-States. One was inland and one was by the ocean. One focused on war the other focused on open minded things. Ducksters states that “Unlike their counterparts in the city of Athens, the Spartans didn't study philosophy, art, or theatre, they studied ‘war.” They had many differences, and I mean many differences. Athens were very social and liked to trade a lot. Athens had a Democracy as their type of government, and was the start of our modern democracy. The video says “Athens was near the sea and their military was the navy.” Athens was close t o water, which is a good trasnportation system. Ducksters says “Athens is one of the great cities of the world. During the time of the Ancient Greeks it was the center of power, art, science, and philosophy in the world.” Athens traded cultures along with the sold and bought items. …show more content…

They had an Oligarchy as their type of government, which is where they dont treat slaves well, and it is made up of rich land owners. Ducksters says “Sparta was located in a valley on the banks of the Eurotas River in the south-eastern portion of Greece '', and the video says “Sparta was inland and their military was the army” Sparta only cared about making warriors. They were big fighters, and they would fight for land a lot. Spartan women had more rights than other Greek women, because in Sparta everyone was respected and treated as a