Athens Vs Sparta Essay

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Of Sparta and Athens, Athens was the more significant city state. Sparta’s only goals seem to have been equality between all residents in Sparta, and having a strong military. Such a strong focus on those two aspects was to make sure they could control the slaves (helots) which outnumbered them 5 to 1. Since the military was Sparta’s main priority, it was the reason it was so important. Sparta was known for its military excellence. Spartans produced no great artworks, philosophies, or science, and they left behind little cultural legacy. Spartans did raise generations of great warriors and men that would fight until the death for the state, but today not much is left of Sparta only the memory and great stories of them. However, our political system is partially modeled after classical Athens, even our educational system. The political branches were Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, just like ours. Athens also was home to many philosophers, such as Plato, and Aristotle. It seemed that …show more content…

Women were not even able to eat in the front of the house if her husband had dinner guests! As a woman you were to basically do the same work as a slave. They were never considered of legal age, and always required to have a guardian. If you were divorced, and had children, your ex-spouse would keep the children. (To me that is rough, childbirth and being a mother itself is very emotional and hard, and to have to leave your children behind is just crazy in my opinion.) The most important legacy of Athens came from the ideas and philosophies of several: Hippocrates who came up with the idea of diagnosing diseases. Thales who determined that natural phenomena can be explained in natural terms other than by actions of god. Along with several others as well. The Socratic method (developed by Socrates) which consist of continually questioning, critiquing, and looking for answers (the