Atomic Bomb Decision Essay

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During a time of catastrophe, presidents often have to make decisions that can have skeptical impact on both the U.S and the countries around it. Both Richard Nixon and Harry Truman were forced to make a decision regarding trading issues and the ending of WW1. The pressure from the unstable wars led Nixon to improve relations with a Communist country during the Cold War, while Truman had to find an option to end WW2 with the least lives lost.

Today our economy has a free and open trade relationship with China. However, this wasn't the case until February 21,1972. Nixon was the first president to visit the People's Republic of China ( a communist country). Russia, French, Germany and Great Britain wanted to trade and keep their interest …show more content…

About 6 days after the bombing of Nagasaki Japan decided to surrender ending the devastating WW2. Even 70 years after this event, the decision to drop the atomic bomb continues to be widely debated. When Harry Truman first learned of the Manhattan project he knew that he had a undesirable decision coming up. President Truman described the atomic bomb as the most terrible thing discovered but he had the power to end the war with Japan. Even after the Americans were wiping out the Japanese they refused to give up and put an end to the war. If ten Japanese soldiers were surrounded by hundred American soldiers, one would guess that Japanese would give up. However, this wasn't the case; Japanese soldiers would fight even if they were out numbered by hundreds and would try to kill as many Americans as possible. They were loyal to the Japanese code and that was to fight until the last breath no matter how lop sided the battle was. The atomic bomb seemed like the only choice Truman had to put and end to this war and save both American and Japanese lives. For Truman, the choice whether or not to use the atomic bomb was the most difficult decision of his life and he was trying to find everything he could to make this action seem like it was for a good cause. The