
Atomic Bomb Informative Speech

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Hi my name is Jackson. I am here to talk about atomic bombs. Have you ever wondered how atomic bombs work or how they were used? Well you will find out in this Ted Talk. Atomic bombs have very high destructive capabilities and that is why they are very dangerous.

P#1: You may ask, what are atomic bombs? Atomic bombs were a weapon developed for military use. They were developed during WWII. After the war, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty which happened in 1963. The treaty was signed to prevent more destruction and have a better chance at peace. At the time only the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union signed it. I wonder if they did not sign the treaty, how powerful the bombs could be. Especially with the technology we have …show more content…

Have you ever wondered how atomic bombs work or what is inside of them? Atomic Bombs contain 93 percent or more plutonium-239, less than 7 percent plutonium-240, and very small quantities of other plutonium isotopes. You may think that those were the only artifacts in an atomic bomb, well you’re wrong. Atomic bombs also contain Hydrogen Atoms, and Helium Atoms. A Hydrogen Atom is an atom of the chemical element hydrogen. A hydrogen atom constitutes about 75% of the baryonic mass of the universe. A Helium Atom is an atom in a chemical element helium. A helium atom contains two protons along with either one or two neutrons, depending on the isotope, held together by the strong force. An atomic bomb consists of heat rays, blast, and radiation. When a bomb is dropped a nuclear device is exploded and Nuclear Fission is created.Once Nuclear Fission is created a big fireball is transformed. Everything one the inside of the fireball vaporizes, including soil and water, and is carried upwards. This creates the mushroom cloud that we associate with a nuclear blast, detonation, or explosion. As you can see atomic bombs carry a lot of artifacts and pieces along with them to make a big …show more content…

A few effects of atomic bombs are radiation poisoning, which in the long run can cause serious illnesses and other permanent damage like cancer and long term organ damage. A few other things that the atomic bomb can cause are long lasting radiation in the area. Radiation is what causes radiation poisoning, too much at one time can be very dangerous. Atomic bombs have also sparked an idea for a new clean energy source, nuclear energy. Atomic bombs have also caused mass destruction and death and have changed the world forever. Atomic bombs also cause a nuclear fallout, a nuclear fallout is when there is a large amount of radiation in the area and it is not safe to go outside because of it. There are 4 radiuses in which different things happen, the first ring is where the mushroom cloud occurs sending large amounts of dust in the air, the second is the area in which fatalities are near 100% and all buildings are destroyed, the third is where there are extreme injuries if no fatalities, the final ring is where 3rd degree burns occur. There are multiple different bombs but the largest one ever ignited is the Tsar Bomba with a radius of destruction of 31.9 miles large. Atomic bombs also cause fire due to the extreme radiated heat from the

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