Attention Getter For Cyber Bullying Research Paper

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Cyber bullying is affecting teenagers in native setting where it’s resulting in deaths every day. My goal throughout this speck is to help you understand that it’s affecting teenage lives every day. Some questions to keep in mind: “Do you know anyone who’s lost a loved one due to cyber bullying”? The statistics are rising every year because teenagers are getting bullied and teased over social media.

A. Attention Getter

Can you image if this were you? How would you feel every day if you walked into your social media accounts and people were talking badly about you? Social media is a big world these days. Do you feel there could be better limits to what is being said and threatening somebody else.

(Inform Audience of a Personal Experience) …show more content…

It is heart breaking knowing that this type of behavior is taking the lives of young people. Cyber bullying is the active individuals who are harassing others through cell phones and the internet where this is taking place every single day. My goal is to open your eyes to the actual reality of what affect cyber bullying is doing to young teenagers on a daily basis.

Cyber bullying is damaging to young teenagers because it leads to anxiety, depression and ultimately suicide. Most of these bullies are creating their mess by sitting behind a computer or on their cell phone and starting typing on the keyboard. As they start typing, their laughing at what they are doing for their own entertaining purposes. Parents of teenage children do not understand what is going on because in their generation social media was not a big thing, it didn’t even exist. It is a learning experience for them as well as the victim that is being cyber …show more content…

Statement of Third Main Point

The numbers of factual evidence made me speechless. Out of all the teenagers that have social media accounts, 43 percent are affected and have been bullied. 80 percent of teenagers use their phone on a regular basis so this is the biggest source of cyber bullying. Today, 90 percent of teenagers who have been bullied or have social media accounts have come out and said they have ignored it. 84 percent state, they have told cyber bullies to stop harassing others which, indicates they are standing up for themselves. Only 1 out of 10 victims said they felt the need to speak to their parents about cyber bullying.

Those that are being affected by cyber bullying 2 out 9 victims have considered committing suicide or have committed suicide. The worse part about all of this, is that 75 percent actually admit that they go into cyber bullying accounts for their own entertaining pleasure to bash others. I feel that cyber bullying in today’s society, is a very important topic that needs to be addressed because it is affecting young lives and we don’t want anyone to be hurt and harassed. The purpose to being young, is to teach us how to be adults. Heartache should not be existing at such a young