Attention Getter For Religion In Public Schools Essay

667 Words3 Pages

Group 1 pg.1
Alissa Morris, Karine Simonyan, Daniel Hirahoka, Derek Baker, Lucy Rodriguez
Ms. Kotelyan
Coms 151/L
9 December 2014
Invitational Speech Outline
I. Introduction
a. Attention Getter: Religion! We got your attention didn’t we? Who here has been taught religion in school?
b. Intro to Topic: Everyone in the world has their own views on religion. With that being said, it is a very controversial topic. Today religion is not taught in public schools and that is what we are going to touch on today
c. Thesis: So today we invite you to explore some perspectives on the issue of religious education in public schools through three perspectives.
i. Preview 1: First, that all religions should be taught in schools ii. Preview 2: Second, that no religion …show more content…

n.d. Web. 06 Dec. 2014 <>
“Pros & Cons of Religion in Schools.” Pros & Cons of Religion in Schools. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014.
“Religion in Public Schools: Student View.” Religion in Public Schools: Student View. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014.
“Religion in Schools Pros and Cons.” Apecsecorg. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2014. <>
“What is School Choice?” The Friedman Found for Education Choice. Web. 8 Dec. 2014. <>.
Group 1 pg.5
1. Did you feel comfortable when you learned about religion in school?
2. Do you feel it should be the school’s job to teach religion?
3. How would our world be different if we taught religion in school?
1. What does religion mean to you?
2. Do you feel it is beneficial to teach religion in public school?
3. Does religion provide a base for morals?
1. Do you think it is right to teach religious ideals when you have a contradicting idea taught such as science?
2. If religion was taught in school, how should it be treated, like a philosophy class or