Attention Getter For Social Media Essay

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Attention Getter:
According to a study done by the website, College age students spend just under 12 hours a day engaged with some form of media. Think about that for a minute. 12 hours a day, that’s more than most of us work and much more than most of us sleep.

Motivation for listening:
North Campus started our Creative Media Department and Social Media pages around October of 2012; we were the first campus in the college to test this out, and one of the first in the state to implement academic success initiatives by using all forms of Social Media. In the past 2 years, our YouTube channel has grown to over 420 subscribers, over 110,000 views and students have consumed almost 800,000 minutes of academic related content. …show more content…

FIRST MAIN POINT: Developing the need
A) The position and the department have evolved over the past 4 years. When I was first hired, we knew we wanted to move towards video and media but we weren’t sure exactly what path to take. I was helping out I.T. for the most part, troubleshooting A/V equipment and working with helpdesk tickets. I came from a video background and I knew we wanted to start building a multimedia program. After networking with a few key people on campus, we were able to pinpoint a few needs and a few people willing to step out of the box to give it a shot.
B) We started working with Advising on creating online tutorials such as how to register for classes, how to add/drop amongst others. What really amplified our growth was lecture videos and exam reviews. This component is really what started to help the program grow as word spread around campus and professors were seeing that these videos helped grades improve. As you can imagine it’s very important to identify the early adopters., when selling the idea to other departments.