Australia Copyright Law Essay

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1 Introduction
Australia’s copyright laws defy what you can and can’t do with other people’s creative work. These laws are enforced under the Australian Copyright Act of 1968 which apply to all of Australia. If these laws are broken it is deemed that the offender has breached the law and can be infringed due to the matter. Copyrights have no cost and are implemented to any creative work without the need for the creator to apply for the work to be copyrighted. The copyright lasts for 70 years after the creator has passed away for any kind of content. Due to the popular demand of the internet, these laws can get broken on a daily basis without you even knowing. Things such as music, movies, games and software which are illegally download are classed as a breach of the copyright laws to both the supplier and the downloader.
2 Body …show more content…

Big companies such as Roadshow Films attempt to sue internet service providers because they allow their users download the illegal content. Roadshow Films cased a report against iiNet because of the activity of their users in 2008. The case lasted until 2012 until it was deemed that iiNet was not liable for what their users do online. This had big effects on movie industry because their movies were being stolen from them and they could do nothing. There are many ways for online users to illegally download movies and it has become very easy to the non tech savvy people. The future of the film business is being threatened due to the extensive amount of money that has been